Grass-fed beef tallow is one of the best things you could possibly be putting on your skin. It’s nearly bio-identical to human cells - meaning that it’s incredibly similar to your cells, right down to a molecular level, and it’s uniquely compatible with human skin, containing necessary saturated fats it needs to maintain its structure over time.
Organic, grass-fed beef tallow is one of the most nutrient-dense, effective, and versatile skincare options on the planet. We’ve known this, intuitively, as a species for at least 20,000 years.
Research shows that beef tallow is absolutely packed with all the nutrients your skin needs to be astonishingly healthy, including vitamin E, CLA, omega-3s, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamins D and K, stearic and oleic acids.
People have used it with great results to moisturize their hair and skin, soothe chapped lips, heal cracked knuckles, smooth scratchy feet, ease diaper rash, calm eczema and rosacea, and even help blisters and cuts heal.
- 100% Organic Grassfed Tallow
- Organic, Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil